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SUNY Launches New Micro-Credential Policy

SUNY Launches Micro-Credential Policy

The SUNY Trustees' policy, adopted in January 2018, was an endorsement of the work and recommendations of the SUNY Micro-credentialing Task Force. The Task Force, a university-wide body advisory to the System Provost, was comprised of representative presidents, chief academic officers, faculty governance (University Faculty Senate members and Faculty Council of Community College members), business officers, registrars, and continuing education professionals.

As the Task Force worked to consider the many ways that micro-credentials could be used--to serve both existing and new students, alumni, business and industry partners, K-12 partners and more--it was clear that a strong micro-credentialing program would be of interest to many campuses. The recurring focus of the Task Force then was how to ensure quality while still allowing campuses the flexibility and autonomy necessary to creatively launch micro-credentials. The answer came in how the SUNY micro-credential would be defined, the policy framework, and a commitment to supporting policy implementation.

First, the Task Force worked tirelessly to create a SUNY-specific definition of micro-credentials that would ensure that a SUNY micro-credential would carry the same quality and rigor as any degree program offered. The Task Force identified a series of guiding principles that campuses would be asked to consider when developing a micro-credential. Finally, the Task Force recommended creation of implementation working groups to support policy implementation.

Key Policy Elements

Policy game changer - SUNY and microcredentials process chart

SUNY's policy framework supports micro-credentials that:motivate current students to persist; provide a pathway to (or back to) higher education; foster individualized learning; allow students to distinguish themselves in a competitive marketplace; and support life-long learning and professional development.

A SUNY Specific Definition

A SUNY micro-credential is:

  1. Competency based
  2. Endorsed by the issuing campus
  3. Developed through faculty governance
  4. Meaningful and of high quality

Guiding Principles

Implementation Support

Implementation Working Groups Charged with Supporting Campus Success

Key Policy Documents

Please follow our progress through the work of our implementation teams. We welcome your feedback on SUNY's policy. Write to us today with questions or for additional information at:

Academic Affairs