Forms that may be used for any of the three types of certification programs are listed as “Additional Forms for all Programs.”
EPP-A: Teacher Education Program Proposal: Degree, Certificate, Advanced Certificate, Extension/Annotation - Propose a new academic program
EPP-A-R: Teacher Education Program Proposal: Residency – Propose a new degree program leading to a registered Residency.
EPP-B: Teacher Education Program Proposal: External Evaluation Report - Template used by each external evaluator of a Teacher Preparation program proposal
(School Building Leader, School District Leader, School District Business Leader)
EPP-C: Educational Leadership Program Proposal: Certificate, Advanced Certificate – Propose a new program
EPP-D: Educational Leadership Program Proposal: External Evaluation Report - Template used by each external evaluator of an Educational Leadership program proposal
(School Counselor, School Psychologist, School Social Worker)
EPP-E: Pupil Personnel Services: Graduate Degree Program - Propose a new academic program
EPP-F: Pupil Personnel Services Program Proposal: External Evaluation Report - Template used by each external evaluator of a Pupil Personnel Services program proposal
EPP-G: Educator Preparation Programs: Program Announcement/Letter of Intent - Announce intent to propose an UG (PA) or G degree program (LI) for a 30-day intra-SUNY comment period
EPP-H: Educator Preparation Programs: Distance Education Format Proposal - Propose to offer a new or existing program in distance education format
EPP-I: Educator Preparation Programs: Changes to a Registered Program - Propose changes to a currently registered program
EPP-I-R: Educator Preparation Programs: Changes to a Registered Program Residency – Propose changes to a currently registered program leading to the creation of a registered residency or residency track.
EPP-J: Educator Preparation Programs: Creating New Program(s) from Existing Program(s) - Create a new program from an existing program (e.g., a new multi-award and/or multi-institution program or a new program from a track or concentration)
EPP-K: Educator Preparation Programs: Proposal to Deactivate and/or Discontinue a Program - Propose to suspend new enrollment for up to 3 years and/or to terminate a registered program
EPP-L: Educator Preparation Programs: SUNY Waiver Request - Request a waiver of SUNY requirements for Credit Cap, General Education (GER), GER Scheduling, or Seamless Transfer for proposed new or existing undergraduate programs