Educator Preparation Program Forms

Educator Preparation Program Forms


Forms that may be used for any of the three types of certification programs are listed as “Additional Forms for all Programs.”


EPP-A: Teacher Education Program Proposal: Degree, Certificate, Advanced Certificate, Extension/Annotation - Propose a new academic program

EPP-A-R: Teacher Education Program Proposal: Residency – Propose a new degree program leading to a registered Residency.

EPP-B: Teacher Education Program Proposal: External Evaluation Report - Template used by each external evaluator of a Teacher Preparation program proposal



(School Building Leader, School District Leader, School District Business Leader)

EPP-C: Educational Leadership Program Proposal: Certificate, Advanced Certificate – Propose a new program

EPP-D: Educational Leadership Program Proposal: External  Evaluation Report - Template used by each external evaluator of an Educational Leadership program proposal



(School Counselor, School Psychologist, School Social Worker)

EPP-E: Pupil Personnel Services: Graduate Degree Program - Propose a new academic program

EPP-F: Pupil Personnel Services Program Proposal: External  Evaluation Report - Template used by each external evaluator of a Pupil Personnel Services program proposal



EPP-G: Educator Preparation Programs: Program Announcement/Letter of Intent - Announce intent to propose an UG (PA) or G degree program (LI) for a 30-day intra-SUNY comment period

EPP-H: Educator Preparation Programs: Distance Education Format Proposal - Propose to offer a new or existing program in distance education format

EPP-I: Educator Preparation Programs: Changes to a Registered Program - Propose changes to a currently registered program

EPP-I-R: Educator Preparation Programs: Changes to a Registered Program Residency – Propose changes to a currently registered program leading to the creation of a registered residency or residency track.

EPP-J: Educator Preparation Programs: Creating New Program(s) from Existing Program(s) - Create a new program from an existing program (e.g., a new multi-award and/or multi-institution program or a new program from a track or concentration)

EPP-K: Educator Preparation Programs: Proposal to Deactivate and/or Discontinue a Program - Propose to suspend new enrollment for up to 3 years and/or to terminate a registered program

EPP-L: Educator Preparation Programs: SUNY Waiver Request - Request a waiver of SUNY requirements for Credit Cap, General Education (GER), GER Scheduling, or Seamless Transfer for proposed new or existing undergraduate programs


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