
Forms for Academic Program Planning

NOTE:  Forms for programs leading to New York State certification for classroom teachers, school or district leaders, or pupil personnel services professionals are available here:

Educator Preparation Program Forms

NOTE:  Forms for programs requesting STEM CIP designation are available here:

DHS STEM Designated Degree Program Forms


Announce a program for intra-SUNY comment.

1A. Program Announcement (PA) – Undergraduate
1B. Letter of Intent (LI) – Graduate

Propose a new program. 

2A. New Undergraduate Degree Program Proposal
2B. New Graduate Degree Program Proposal
2C. New Certificate Program Proposal
SUPPLEMENTS (as applicable)
2D. External Evaluation Report
2E. External Instruction Form
2F. Transfer Course Equivalency Table
4. Distance Education Format Proposal (Same as for existing programs)
9. Waiver Request: Seamless Transfer Requirements (Same as for existing programs)
MPA-SED Master Plan Amendment Form
As applicable, specialized forms required by SED’s Office of Professions 
Excel Tables (optional, automated tables for Form 2A)


Propose revisions to a registered program, or create a new program from one or more registered programs, such as a new multi-award and/or multi-institution program, or a new program from tracks or options. 

3A. Program Revision Proposal: Changes to an Existing Program


Program Revision Proposal: Creating a New Program from Existing Programs



Program Revision Proposal: Title Change (standard file format)

Program Revision Proposal: Title Change ('dropdown/fillable' format)

SUPPLEMENTS (as applicable)  Use the same supplements as those listed for new programs

Propose to add the distance education format to a new or existing program.  (This is the same form for both new and existing programs.)

4. Distance Education Format Proposal

Propose to deactivate (suspend new enrollment for up to 3 years) and/or to discontinue (terminate) a registered program.

5. Deactivation and/or Discontinuance Proposal

Propose to offer courses from one or more registered programs at a new Extension Center (also called an Inter-Institutional Center).

6. New Extension Center Proposal

Announce the intent to offer 50% or more of an existing registered program at an out of state location for a 30-day intra-SUNY comment period.

7. Out of State Program Announcement (PA) or Letter of Intent (LI)

Propose to offer 50% or more of an existing registered program at an out-of-state location, or through an out-of-state partner.  If applicable, use SUNY Supplements for new programs. 

8A. Out-of-State Program Proposal (Full Form)
8B. Out-of-State Articulation Agreement with Partner Institution (Short Form)

Request a waiver of the SUNY Seamless Transfer Requirements.

9. Waiver Request: Seamless Transfer Requirements
(This is the same form used for new and existing programs.)
Academic Affairs