NOTE: Forms for programs leading to New York State certification for classroom teachers, school or district leaders, or pupil personnel services professionals are available here:
Educator Preparation Program Forms
NOTE: Forms for programs requesting STEM CIP designation are available here:
DHS STEM Designated Degree Program Forms
Announce a program for intra-SUNY comment.
1A. | Program Announcement (PA) – Undergraduate |
1B. | Letter of Intent (LI) – Graduate |
Propose a new program.
2A. | New Undergraduate Degree Program Proposal |
2B. | New Graduate Degree Program Proposal |
2C. | New Certificate Program Proposal |
SUPPLEMENTS (as applicable) | |
2D. | External Evaluation Report |
2E. | External Instruction Form |
2F. | Transfer Course Equivalency Table |
4. | Distance Education Format Proposal (Same as for existing programs) |
9. | Waiver Request: Seamless Transfer Requirements (Same as for existing programs) |
MPA-SED Master Plan Amendment Form | |
As applicable, specialized forms required by SED’s Office of Professions | |
Excel Tables (optional, automated tables for Form 2A) |
Propose revisions to a registered program, or create a new program from one or more registered programs, such as a new multi-award and/or multi-institution program, or a new program from tracks or options.
3A. | Program Revision Proposal: Changes to an Existing Program |
3B. |
Program Revision Proposal: Creating a New Program from Existing Programs
3C. |
Program Revision Proposal: Title Change (standard file format) Program Revision Proposal: Title Change ('dropdown/fillable' format) |
SUPPLEMENTS (as applicable) Use the same supplements as those listed for new programs |
Propose to add the distance education format to a new or existing program. (This is the same form for both new and existing programs.)
4. | Distance Education Format Proposal |
Propose to deactivate (suspend new enrollment for up to 3 years) and/or to discontinue (terminate) a registered program.
5. | Deactivation and/or Discontinuance Proposal |
Propose to offer courses from one or more registered programs at a new Extension Center (also called an Inter-Institutional Center).
6. | New Extension Center Proposal |
Announce the intent to offer 50% or more of an existing registered program at an out of state location for a 30-day intra-SUNY comment period.
7. | Out of State Program Announcement (PA) or Letter of Intent (LI) |
Propose to offer 50% or more of an existing registered program at an out-of-state location, or through an out-of-state partner. If applicable, use SUNY Supplements for new programs.
8A. | Out-of-State Program Proposal (Full Form) |
8B. | Out-of-State Articulation Agreement with Partner Institution (Short Form) |
Request a waiver of the SUNY Seamless Transfer Requirements.
9. | Waiver Request: Seamless Transfer Requirements (This is the same form used for new and existing programs.) |