Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with the production of food and management of natural fiber, plant, forest, and wildlife resources.
0101 | Agriculture, general |
0102 | Agronomy (field crops, crop management) |
0103 | Soils science (management and conservation) |
0104 | Animal science (husbandry) |
0105 | Dairy science (husbandry) |
0106 | Poultry science |
0107 | Fish, game, and wildlife management |
0108 | Horticulture (fruit and vegetable production) |
0109 | Ornamental horticulture (floriculture, nursery science) |
0110 | Agricultural and farm management |
0111 | Agricultural economic |
0112 | Agricultural business |
0113 | Food science and technology |
0114 | Forestry |
0115 | Natural resources management |
0116 | Agriculture and forestry technologies (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
0117 | Range management |
0199 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with training for a profession in designing buildings, communities, parks, and other manmade aspects of the physiosocial environment.
0201 | Environmental design, general |
0202 | Architecture |
0203 | Interior design |
0204 | Landscape architecture |
0205 | Urban architecture |
0206 | City, community, and regional planning |
0299 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with programs designed to study cultures indigenous to specific geographic regions.
0301 | Asian studies, general |
0302 | East Asian studies |
0303 | South Asian (India, etc.) studies |
0304 | Southeast Asian studies |
0305 | African studies |
0306 | Islamic studies |
0307 | Russian and Slavic studies |
0308 | Latin American studies |
0309 | Middle Eastern studies |
0310 | European studies, general |
0311 | Eastern European studies |
0312 | West European studies |
0313 | American studies |
0314 | Pacific area studies |
0399 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena especially with regard to the origin, growth, reproduction, and structure of life forms.
0401 | Biology, general |
0402 | Botany, general |
0403 | Bacteriology |
0404 | Plant pathology |
0405 | Plant pharmacology |
0406 | Plant physiology |
0407 | Zoology, general |
0408 | Pathology, human and animal |
0409 | Pharmacology, human and animal |
0410 | Physiology, human and animal |
0411 | Microbiology |
0412 | Anatomy |
0413 | Histology |
0414 | Biochemistry |
0415 | Biophysics |
0416 | Molecular biology |
0417 | Cell biology (cytology, cell physiology) |
0418 | Marine biology |
0419 | Biometrics and biostatistics |
0420 | Ecology |
0421 | Entomology |
0422 | Genetics |
0423 | Radiobiology |
0424 | Nutrition, scientific (excludes nutrition in home economic and dietetics) |
0425 | Neurosciences |
0426 | Toxicology |
0427 | Embryology |
0499 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. related to the organization, operation, administration, and control of private and public organizations.
0501 | Business and commerce, general |
0502 | Accounting |
0503 | Business statistics |
0504 | Banking and finance |
0505 | Investments and securities |
0506 | Business management and administration |
0507 | Operations research |
0508 | Hotel and restaurant management |
0509 | Marketing and purchasing |
0510 | Transportation and public utilities |
0511 | Real estate |
0512 | Insurance |
0513 | International business |
0514 | Secretarial studies (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
0515 | Personnel management |
0516 | Labor and industrial relations |
0517 | Business economics |
0599 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. related to collection, preparation, and presentation of ideas and information intended for popular consumption through mass media.
0601 | Communications, general |
0602 | Journalism (printed media) |
0603 | Radio/television |
0604 | Advertising |
0605 | Communication media (use of videotape, films, etc., oriented specifically toward radio/television) |
0699 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, course work, research projects, etc. having to do with the design, development, and application of computer capabilities to data storage and manipulation and related computational procedures.
0701 | Computer and information sciences, general |
0702 | Information sciences and systems |
0703 | Data processing |
0704 | Computer programming |
0705 | Systems analysis |
0799 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. related to administration and control of educational organizations and institutions and subjects related to instruction and services both within and outside of such formal organizations.
0801 | Education, general |
0802 | Elementary education, general |
0803 | Secondary education, general |
0804 | Junior high school education |
0805 | Higher education, general |
0806 | Junior and community college education |
0807 | Adult and continuing education |
0808 | Special education, general |
0809 | Administration of special education |
0810 | Education of the mentally retarded |
0811 | Education of the gifted |
0812 | Education of the deaf |
0813 | Education of the culturally disadvantaged |
0814 | Education of the visually handicapped |
0815 | Speech correction |
0816 | Education of the emotionally disturbed |
0817 | Remedial education |
0818 | Special learning disabilities |
0819 | Education of the physically handicapped |
0820 | Education of the multiple handicapped |
0821 | Social foundations (history and philosophy of education) |
0822 | Educational psychology (include learning theory) |
0823 | Pre-elementary education (kindergarten) |
0824 | Educational statistics and research |
0825 | Educational testing, evaluation and measurement |
0826 | Student personnel (counseling and guidance) |
0827 | Educational administration |
0828 | Educational supervision |
0829 | Curriculum and instruction |
0830 | Reading education (methodology and theory) |
0831 | Art education (methodology and theory) |
0832 | Music education (methodology and theory) |
0833 | Mathematics education (methodology and theory) |
0834 | Science education (methodology and theory) |
0835 | Physical education |
0836 | Driver and safety education |
0837 | Health education (include family life education) |
0838 | Business, commerce, and distributive education |
0839 | Industrial arts, vocational, and technical education |
0899 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with the practical application of basic scientific knowledge to the design, production, and operation of systems intended to facilitate the control and use of the natural environment.
0901 | Engineering, general |
0902 | Aerospace, aeronautical and astronautical engineering |
0903 | Agricultural engineering |
0904 | Architectural engineering |
0905 | Bioengineering and biomedical engineering |
0906 | Chemical engineering (include petroleum refining) |
0907 | Petroleum engineering (exclude petroleum refining) |
0908 | Civil, construction, and transportation engineering |
0909 | Electrical, electronics, and communications engineering |
0910 | Mechanical engineering |
0911 | Geological engineering |
0912 | Geophysical engineering |
0913 | Industrial and management engineering |
0914 | Metallurgical engineering |
0915 | Materials engineering |
0916 | Ceramic engineering |
0917 | Textile engineering |
0918 | Mining and mineral engineering |
0919 | Engineering physics |
0920 | Nuclear engineering |
0921 | Engineering mechanics |
0922 | Environmental and sanitary engineering |
0923 | Naval architecture and marine engineering |
0924 | Ocean engineering |
0925 | Engineering technologies (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
0999 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with the creation and appreciation of the diverse modes of communicating ideas and emotions by means of stylized, visual, and non-visual representations and symbols.
1001 | Fine arts, general |
1002 | Art (painting, drawing, sculpture) |
1003 | Art history and appreciation |
1004 | Music (performing, composition, theory) |
1005 | Music (liberal arts program) |
1006 | Music history and appreciation (musicology) |
1007 | Dramatic arts |
1008 | Dance |
1009 | Applied design (ceramics, weaving, textile design, fashion design, jewelry, metalsmithing, interior decoration, commercial art) |
1010 | Cinematography |
1011 | Photography |
1099 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. related to mastery of a language other than English or related to the study of a foreign culture through exploration of the literature of that culture as expressed in the vernacular language
1101 | Foreign languages, general (includes concentration on more than one foreign language without major emphasis on one language) |
1102 | French |
1103 | German |
1104 | Italian |
1105 | Spanish |
1106 | Russian |
1107 | Chinese |
1108 | Japanese |
1109 | Latin |
1110 | Greek, classical |
1111 | Hebrew |
1112 | Arabic |
1113 | Indian (Asiatic) |
1114 | Scandinavian languages |
1115 | Slavic languages (other than Russian) |
1116 | African languages (non-Semitic) |
1199 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with the maintenance and restoration of physical and mental health.
1201 | Health professions, general |
1202 | Hospital and health care administration |
1203 | Nursing (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
1204 | Dentistry, D.D.S. or D.M.D. degrees |
1205 | Dental specialties (work beyond first-professional degree, D.D.S. or D.M.D. ) |
1206 | Medicine, M.D. degree |
1207 | Medical specialties (work beyond first-professional degree, M.D.) |
1208 | Occupational therapy |
1209 | Optometry |
1210 | Osteopathic medicine, D.O. degree |
1211 | Pharmacy |
1212 | Physical therapy |
1213 | Dental hygiene (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
1214 | Public health |
1215 | Medical record librarianship |
1216 | Podiatry (Pod.D. or D. P.) or podiatric medicine (D.P.M.) |
1217 | Biomedical communication |
1218 | Veterinary medicine, D.V.M. degree |
1219 | Veterinary medicine specialties (work beyond first-professional degree, D.V.M.) |
1220 | Speech pathology and audiology |
1221 | Chiropractic |
1222 | Clinical social work (medical and psychiatric and specialized rehabilitation services) |
1223 | Medical laboratory technologies (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
1224 | Dental technologies (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
1225 | Radiologic technologies (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
1299 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with the theory and practices of family and home care including the science of foods, home decoration and management, and child care.
1301 | Home economics, general |
1302 | Home decoration and home equipment |
1303 | Clothing and textiles |
1304 | Consumer economics and home management |
1305 | Family relations and child development |
1306 | Foods and nutrition (include dietetics) |
1307 | Institutional management and cafeteria management |
1399 | Other, specify |
1400 LAW
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with instruction in the legal customs, practices, and rules of society and states for the purpose of pursuing a career of jurisprudence.
1401 | Law, general |
1499 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with English language and literature and value systems related to ancient and modern cultures.
1501 | English, general |
1502 | Literature, English |
1503 | Comparative literature |
1504 | Classics |
1505 | Linguistics (include phonetics, semantics, and philology) |
1506 | Speech, debate, and forensic science (rhetoric and public address) |
1507 | Creative writing |
1508 | Teaching of English as a foreign language |
1509 | Philosophy |
1510 | Religious studies (exclude theological professions) |
1599 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with instruction in the professional skills required to organize collections of books and related materials and the training necessary for providing services related to them.
1601 | Library science, general |
1699 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with the science of numbers and space configurations and their operations, measurement, relationships, and abstractions.
1701 | Mathematics, general |
1702 | Statistics, mathematical and theoretical |
1703 | Applied mathematics |
1799 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with techniques and skills unique to the pursuit of a professional career as a military officer.
1801 | Military science (Army) |
1802 | Naval science (Navy, Marines) |
1803 | Aerospace science (Air Force) |
1899 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with the basic nature of matter, energy, and associated phenomena.
1901 | Physical sciences, general |
1902 | Physics, general (exclude biophysics) |
1903 | Molecular physics |
1904 | Nuclear physics |
1905 | Chemistry, general (exclude biochemistry) |
1906 | Inorganic chemistry |
1907 | Organic chemistry |
1908 | Physical chemistry |
1909 | Analytical chemistry |
1910 | Pharmaceutical chemistry |
1911 | Astronomy |
1912 | Astrophysics |
1913 | Atmospheric sciences and meteorology |
1914 | Geology |
1915 | Geochemistry |
1916 | Geophysics and seismology |
1917 | Earth sciences, general |
1918 | Paleontology |
1919 | Oceanography |
1920 | Metallurgy |
1999 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with behavioral and mental processes.
2001 | Psychology, general |
2002 | Experimental psychology (animal and human) |
2003 | Clinical psychology |
2004 | Psychology for counseling |
2005 | Social psychology |
2006 | Psychometrics |
2007 | Statistics in psychology |
2008 | Industrial psychology |
2009 | Developmental psychology |
2010 | Physiological psychology |
2099 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. related to developing and improving competencies in the management and operation of governmental agencies.
2101 | Community services, general |
2102 | Public administration |
2103 | Parks and recreation management |
2104 | Social work and helping services (other than clinical social work) |
2105 | Law enforcement and corrections (baccalaureate and higher programs) |
2106 | International public service (other than diplomatic service) |
2199 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. having to do with all aspects of the past and present activities, conduct, interactions, and organizations of humans.
2201 | Social sciences, general |
2202 | Anthropology |
2203 | Archaeology |
2204 | Economics |
2205 | History |
2206 | Geography |
2207 | Political science and government |
2208 | Sociology |
2209 | Criminology |
2210 | International relations |
2211 | Afro-American (black culture) studies |
2212 | American Indian cultural studies |
2213 | Mexican-American cultural studies |
2214 | Urban studies |
2215 | Demography |
2299 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. related to preparation and training for a religious vocation.
2301 | Theological professions, general |
2302 | Religious music |
2303 | Biblical languages |
2304 | Religious education |
2399 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree programs, research projects, etc. involving more than one major discipline without primary concentration in any one area.
4901 | General liberal arts and sciences |
4902 | Biological and physical sciences |
4903 | Humanities and social sciences |
4904 | Engineering and other disciplines |
4999 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree and certificate programs, etc. specifically associated with development of skills required for commercial, business, or secretarial occupations at the semiprofessional level. Two years of preparation beyond high school are usually sufficient for entrance into these occupational fields.
5001 | Business and commerce technologies, general |
5002 | Accounting technologies |
5003 | Banking and finance technologies |
5004 | Marketing, distribution, purchasing, business, and industrial management technologies |
5005 | Secretarial technologies (include office machines training) |
5006 | Personal service technologies (flight attendant, cosmetologist, etc.) |
5007 | Photography technologies |
5008 | Communications and broadcasting technologies (radio/television, newspapers) |
5009 | Printing and lithography technologies |
5010 | Hotel and restaurant management technologies |
5011 | Transportation and public utility technologies |
5012 | Applied arts, graphic arts, and fine arts technologies (include advertising design) |
5099 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree and certificate programs, etc. specifically associated with development of skills required for data processing or related occupations at the semiprofessional level. Two years of preparation beyond high school are usually sufficient for entrance into these occupational fields.
5101 | Data processing technologies, general |
5102 | Key punch operator and other input preparation technologies |
5103 | Computer programmer technologies |
5104 | Computer operator and peripheral equipment operation technologies |
5105 | Data processing equipment maintenance technologies |
5199 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree and certificate programs, etc. specifically associated with development of skills required for health service related occupations at the semiprofessional level. Two years of preparation beyond high school are usually sufficient for entrance into these occupational fields.
5201 | Health services assistant technologies, general |
5202 | Dental assistant technologies |
5203 | Dental hygiene technologies |
5204 | Dental laboratory technologies |
5205 | Medical or biological laboratory assistant technologies |
5206 | Animal laboratory assistant technologies |
5207 | Radiologic technologies (X-ray, etc.) |
5208 | Nursing, R.N. (less than four-year program) |
5209 | Nursing, practical (L.P.N. or less than four-year program) |
5210 | Occupational therapy technologies |
5211 | Surgical technologies |
5212 | Optical technologies (include ocular care, ophthalmic, optometric technologies) |
5213 | Medical record technologies |
5214 | Medical assistant and medical office assistant technologies |
5215 | Inhalation therapy technologies |
5216 | Psychiatric technologies (include mental health aide programs) |
5217 | Electro-diagnostic technologies (include E.K.G., E.E.G., etc.) |
5218 | Institutional management technologies (rest home, etc.) |
5219 | Physical therapy technologies |
5299 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree and certificate programs, etc. specifically associated with development of skills required for mechanical and engineering related occupations at the semiprofessional level. Two years of preparation beyond high school are usually sufficient for entrance into these occupational fields.
5301 | Mechanical and engineering technologies, general |
5302 | Aeronautical and aviation technologies |
5303 | Engineering graphics (tool and machine drafting and design) |
5304 | Architectural drafting technologies |
5305 | Chemical technologies (include plastics) |
5306 | Automotive technologies |
5307 | Diesel technologies |
5308 | Welding technologies |
5309 | Civil technologies (surveying, photogrammetry, etc.) |
5310 | Electronics and machine technologies (television, appliance, office machine repair, etc.) |
5311 | Electromechanical technologies |
5312 | Industrial technologies |
5313 | Textile technologies |
5314 | Instrumentation technologies |
5315 | Mechanical technologies |
5316 | Nuclear technologies |
5317 | Construction and building technologies (carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, sheetmetal, air conditioning, heating, etc.) |
5399 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree and certificate programs, etc. specifically associated with development of skills required for natural science related occupations at the semiprofessional level. Two years of preparation beyond high school are usually sufficient for entrance into these occupational fields.
5401 | Natural science technologies, general |
5402 | Agriculture technologies (include horticulture) |
5403 | Forestry and wildlife technologies (include fisheries) |
5404 | Food services technologies |
5405 | Home economics technologies |
5406 | Marine and oceanographic technologies |
5407 | Laboratory technologies, general |
5408 | Sanitation and public health inspection technologies (environmental health technologies) |
5499 | Other, specify |
Subject field designations which characterize students, faculty, facilities, degree and certificate programs etc. specifically associated with development of skills required for public service related occupations at the semiprofessional level. Two years of preparation beyond high school are usually sufficient for entrance into these occupational fields.
5501 | Public service technologies, general |
5502 | Bible study or religion-related occupations |
5503 | Education technologies (teacher aide and two-year teacher training programs) |
5504 | Library assistant technologies |
5505 | Police, law enforcement, corrections technologies |
5506 | Recreation and social work related technologies |
5507 | Fire control technology |
5508 | Public administration and management technologies |
5599 | Other, specify |
This discipline division was created by the New York State Education Department to identify liberal arts and sciences or general courses of study which are not organized as occupational programs. Each four-digit number corresponds with the HEGIS discipline divisions 0100 through 4900: the last two numerals are the first two digits of the 0100-4900 series.
5601 | Agriculture pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5602 | Architectural technology pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5603 | Area Studies pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5604 | Biological Sciences pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5606 | Communications pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5608 | Education pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5609 | Engineering science pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5610 | Fine arts pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5611 | Foreign languages pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5613 | Home economics pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5615 | Letters pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5617 | Mathematics pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5619 | Physical Sciences pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5620 | Psychology pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5622 | Social sciences pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5623 | Theology pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5649 | Liberal arts, general pre-baccalaureate liberal arts |
5699 | Other liberal arts pre-baccalaureate |