Sexual Assault & Violence Response Resources
Information you can use to seek resources and support for sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking crimes, and ways to report the crime to law enforcement and the campus.
Climate assessments afford institutions the opportunity to better understand their campus and to make informed decisions when it comes to providing a safe educational environment. Beginning in the 2015-2016 academic year, each State University of New York State-operated and community college will conduct a uniform climate survey that ascertains student experience with and knowledge of reporting and college adjudicatory processes for sexual harassment, including sexual violence, and other related crimes.
The survey will address at least the following:
Every institution shall take steps to ensure that answers remain anonymous and that no individual is identified. Results will be published on the campus website providing no personally identifiable information shall be shared.
Beginning in the spring semester of 2015, the Chancellor or designee will convene a group of scholars and practitioners to review methods of assessing campus climate, specific questions asked in past surveys, relevant data on responses and response rates, issues and problems encountered in survey implementation, and lessons learned from past surveys. The Chancellor or designee will gather this data and seek to develop a standardized survey, with the advice of relevant members of the SUNY community and knowledgeable outside entities, that uses established measurement tools, to be implemented every two years by all SUNY State-operated and community colleges beginning in the 2015-2016 academic year. This policy may be changed by the Chancellor or designee should federal and/or State legislation require a different process or duplicate efforts to assess campus climate via survey.
Further resources may be found at the SUNY Sexual Violence Prevention Resources page and the SUNY Compliance Page Safety, Security, and Public Health.
Model MOU between Colleges and Rape Crisis Centers
Information on complying with the Violence Against Women Act and SUNY-created model policies may be found in the SUNY Office of General Counsel document Policy and Programming Changes Pursuant to the Campus SaVE Provisions of the Violence Against Women Act.