The SUNY Student Conduct Institute (SCI) trains staff and faculty at public and private institutions of higher education on how to fairly and equitably investigate and adjudicate conduct violations and disclosures. SCI members access Live@Distance (webinar) trainings, a large catalog of on-demand training courses and more. Training is tracked by individual and institution to make compliance and education more efficient and accessible. Training topics include due process, trauma-informed investigations and adjudications, questioning and weighing of evidence, and other crucial best practices in the investigation and conduct process that comply with Title IX, the Clery Act, and other relevant federal and New York State laws.
The SUNY SCI Advantage

Accessible Training and Resources: On Demand and Live@Distance.

SUNY SCI training is offered in two primary formats: our On Demand courses available and accessible anytime through the SUNY SCI Online Platform and our Live@Distance webinar series that rotates varied programs and trainer voices semesterly.

Through the online platform members can enroll and take courses immediately, access a variety of tangible tools and resources, and track their annual compliance and training journey through an easy to track transcript.

Annual Compliance Training and Everything In-Between.

The SUNY SCI provides members with annual compliance training conducted in-house by the SUNY SCI practitioner leadership team in partnership with SUNY’s Office of General Counsel including:

  • Title IX
  • VAWA
  • Clery Act (including the VAWA amendments)
  • NYS-129B “Enough is Enough”

Additional trainings, on topics outside of the scope of Title IX, cover various areas of general conduct and higher education best practice such as:

  • Restorative Justice
  • De-escalation
  • Conduct Code Revision
  • Student Conduct Sanctioning
  • and more!

Nationally Recognized Training. Nationally Recognized Experts.

The SUNY SCI partners with national subject matter experts on a multitude of topics and programs annually. Some of the SUNY SCI’s partnerships and programs include:

Basic Title IX Compliance Training, SUNY Office of General Counsel and SUNY SCI trainers

The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault, Dr. Jim Hopper

Title IX Investigations and Advanced Title IX Investigations Workshops, Rebecca Veidlinger, Esq.

Hazing Investigations and Organizational Conduct, Dr. Gentry McCreary

Restorative Justice and Informal Resolutions, Paige Duggins-Clay, Esq. and Scott Schneider, Esq.

Clery Compliance Training, The Clery Center and S. Daniel Carter of Safe Campuses LLC

Disclaimer:  SCI does not certify any institution as compliant, and disclaims any liability for any perceived or actual shortcomings in the text of the training or an institution’s utilization of the information presented in such training. Per the Department of Education’s (ED) 2015 and 2020 letters and posts, no training offered by anyone is officially certified by ED and any organization that makes such a claim is making a false claim. The SCI does certify individuals’ completion of the SCI program, which national experts and reviewers believe meets and exceeds training requirements. SCI does not claim to have the approval of ED as ED does not offer such an approval.

While the SCI does not certify any institution, institutions that are active members of the SCI are free to make statements of their membership on their websites (Ex: "[Institution] is a SUNY Student Conduct Institute Participating Institution. As a Participating Institution, our staff has access to regular training on how to fairly and equitably investigate and adjudicate conduct violations and disclosures.”) and may post participation in the Annual Security Report section describing annual training as required by the Clery Act.

For more information, contact:
SUNY Student Conduct Institute
The State University of New York | H. Carl McCall Building | Albany, NY 12246
phone icon 518.445.4006