

Live @ Distance
On Demand Training Library
Training Certificates

On Demand Training Library

These modules can be accessed on the SCI Web Platform
Foundations of Student Conduct
CAS Standards: Sexual Violence Related Programs and Services
Conduct Discipline at the Intersection of State and Federal Law
Decision-Writing Basics for Conduct Hearings
Disability Law in Student Conduct Proceedings
Due Process Part One: Theory and History
Due Process Part Two: Practical Application
Evidence in the Student Conduct Process
FERPA Fundamentals Four Part Series
Fundamentals of Incident Report Writing
Introduction to Restorative Justice
Mock Hearing Three Part Series
Understanding the Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
What is Affirmative Consent?
Student Conduct Practice Series
Collecting and Understanding Specialized Evidence
Effective Interviewing of Parties and Witnesses
Hazing 101
Hazing in College Athletics
Introduction to Cannabis for Practitioners of Student Conduct: Abuse; Effects; and Legality
Online Harassment
Recognizing and Responding to Stalking: Trauma Informed Best Practices
SCI's Guide to Starting a Restorative Justice Program
Understanding the Potential Impact of Illicit Substances on College Students
Yik Yak and Its Implications For Your Campus and Conduct Process
Higher Education Employment Investigations
Conducting Higher Education Employment Investigations
Employment Lawsuits: Title VII & Title IX
Fundamental Issues in Higher Education Employment Investigations
Labor Law Implications of the 2020 Title IX Regulations
What does Title VII require?
What Does Title IX Tell Us About Title VII?
New York State Compliance Training
Conduct Discipline at the Intersection of State and Federal Law
New York Education Law 129-B
Title IX Final Regulation Compliance Updates (2020)
Cross-Examination in a Title IX Hearing
Determining Relevance in Title IX Hearings (Two Part Series)
Legal Framework for Understanding Conflicts of Interest and Bias
Law & The Hearing Panel
No Contact Orders, Emergency Removals, and Interim Suspensions
Relevance and Decorum in a Title IX Hearing
Title IX Q&A Explained
Title IX Final Rule Basics
Title IX Final Rule Quiz Game
Supportive Measures in Response to Reports of Sexual & Interpersonal Violence
Understanding the Investigative Report Template for Investigations of Title IX Sexual Harassment
What is Severe, Persistent, and Objectively Offensive Title IX Sexual Harassment?
Title IX and the 2013 Violence Against Women Act Amendments
Appeals in Student Conduct Proceedings
Cultural Relevance and Inclusiveness, and Responding to Sexual and Interpersonal Violence on Campus
Making Your Practices More Inclusive: The Intersection of Title IX and LGBTQ+ Support
The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault Trauma Three Part Series
Pre-Hearing Preparations
Privacy, Confidentiality & Privilege in Disclosures of Sexual and Interpersonal Violence
Respondent Series Part 1 of 5 - Exploring the Current State of Affairs Regarding Respondent Services and Interventions
Respondent Series Part 2 of 5 - Respondents: Foundational Elements Regarding What’s Known, What Works, and What Can Be Done to Enhance the Efficacy of Interventions
Respondent Series Part 3 of 5 - Framing a Comprehensive Approach to Working with Students Who Engage in Harmful Sexual Misconduct
Respondent Series Part 4 of 5 - Why Utilizing Specialized Providers for Assessment and Treatment is Important and How to Find Them
Respondent Series Part 5 of 5 - Campus Safety Planning for Respondents: From Initial Report to Sanctioning to Community Re-Entry
Sexual Harassment: Legal Definitions
Title IX Liability for Deliberate Indifference
Trauma-Informed Practice - Legal Compliance Basics

Live@Distance Training Schedule

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Hazing Investigations Training

October 1, 3 — 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 9/30/2024
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Navigating Hazing Investigations

The investigation of organizational hazing cases can be among the most difficult work that student conduct practitioners are asked to do. This training will provide investigators and conduct administrators with proven strategies designed to cut through the veil of secrecy that often shrouds the truth in these investigations. Participants will gain valuable knowledge related to preparing for investigations, information gathering, questioning strategy, and sanctioning hazing cases.

Presenter: Gentry McCreary


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Basic Compliance Training Informal Resolutions in Title IX

Oct 15, 17 — 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 10/14/2024
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The Title IX Final Rule states that colleges and universities may offer and facilitate informal resolution processes to resolve sexual harassment allegations in a less adversarial manner than the investigation and adjudication procedures that comprise the § 106.45 grievance process.

This training, led by attorneys Scott Schneider and Paige Duggins-Clay, will cover essential Title IX regulatory and OCR guidance, legal considerations, and offer practical considerations for all informal resolutions. Other topics discussed throughout the training include conflict of interest/bias, documentation, assessing voluntary participation, minimizing & managing trauma, and will provide attendees with hypothetical scenarios to engage with the content. Trainers Scott and Paige will also walk attendees through restorative justice as a method of informal resolution and review other practical considerations for implementation and policy development.

Presenters:  Scott Schneider and Paige Duggins-Clay


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Basic Compliance Training Emerging Issues in Digital Safety

November 21 — 12:00pm - 1:30pm ET
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 11/20/2024
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The online spaces inhabited by students and staff consistently manifest emerging threats to their digital safety and well-being - which now include addictive chatbot relationships, AI generated nude images, car app tracking, AI-powered catfishing scams, facial recognition stalking and more. This session offers a comprehensive exploration of these digital challenges, equipping participants with practical strategies to confidently address and strengthen the digital well-being of modern students. Attendees will walk away with actionable steps to effectively verify and counter these emerging threats and foster a safer campus environment. 

Presenter:  Adam Dodge


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Basic Compliance Training Title IX Decision Maker and Investigator Basic Compliance (2024 Rule)

October 22, 23, 24 — 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 10/21/2024
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This training is designed for all employees and students involved in the student conduct process, including conduct officials, law enforcement, student affairs practitioners, residential life staff, and Title IX officials. Topics covered include due process, the Clery Act amendments to the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, Title IX, and state-specific compliance requirements. Participants will examine a case study of sexual misconduct and learn best practices for addressing each stage of the disciplinary process.

Presenters:  Ryan Ribeiro, Kerianne Silver, Andrew Stammel, J.D., Rebecca Novick


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Basic Compliance Training Residence Life In-Service - Managing Low-Level Misconduct

October 25 — 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 10/24/2024
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Student conduct administration is often described as an aspect of student affairs that new practitioners fall into rather than seek out. Often individuals tasked with student conduct administration have been given it as a secondary responsibility, on top of whatever primary role they fulfill. Most entry-level residence life staff, for example, often are assigned lower-level misconduct to adjudicate. However, just because these incidents are considered low-level does not mean that they do not warrant dedication and meaningful attention. This workshop will introduce administrators new to student conduct administration to some concepts and management strategies that will assist them in effective and equitable case management.

Presenters: Ryan Ribeiro, Alex Wheeler


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Basic Compliance Training Basic Compliance Training 2020 Final Rule

November 6, 7 — 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 11/5/2024
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This training is designed for all employees and students involved in the student conduct process, including conduct officials, law enforcement, student affairs practitioners, residential life staff, and Title IX officials. Topics covered include due process, the Clery Act amendments to the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, Title IX, and state-specific compliance requirements. Participants will examine a case study of sexual misconduct and learn best practices for addressing each stage of the disciplinary process.

Presenters:   Ryan Ribeiro, Kerianne Silver, Kelly Hendricken, Rebecca Novick


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The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault

November 12, 14 — 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 11/11/2024
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The Brain Under Attack: Understanding Impacts on Experience, Behavior, and Memory

Traumatic experiences have immediate, powerful, and potentially long-lasting effects on the human brain. This presentation explains, in very accessible ways, how stress and trauma can alter brain functioning during sexual assaults and other traumas. Participants will learn about the key brain circuitries impacted by stress and trauma, including the prefrontal cortex and defense and memory circuitries. Participants will gain increased understanding of brain-based experiences, behaviors, and memory characteristics and learn important implications for their work with victims of sexual assault and other violence. This presentation provides a critical foundation for learning and applying trauma-informed responses with people who have been assaulted.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to define key brain circuitries impacted by severe stress in the midst of traumatic experiences, from sexual assault to military combat.
  • Participants will be able to name and explain common brain-based subjective and behavioral responses to sexual and other assaults that have implications for supporting victims and conducting investigations and prosecutions.
  • Participants will be able to explain basic brain-based impacts of trauma and stress on memory encoding, storage, and retrieval that have implications for supporting victims and conducting investigations and prosecutions.

Presenter: Dr. Jim Hopper


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Basic Compliance Training Residence Life In-Service - De-Escalation

November 13 — 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 11/12/2024
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Residential life administrators and others who respond to incidents on campus often cite anxiety and apprehension as they begin to shoulder these responsibilities. After attending this session, administrators will have learned and developed strategies for approaching, addressing, and de-escalating tense situations on campus. These strategies can assist administrators as they navigate difficult circumstances.

Presenters:  Ryan Ribeiro, Alex Wheeler


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Basic Compliance Training Title IX Decision Maker and Investigator Basic Compliance (2024 Rule)

December 10, 11, 12 — 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Enrollment closes 11:30pm ET on 12/9/2024
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This training is designed for all employees and students involved in the student conduct process, including conduct officials, law enforcement, student affairs practitioners, residential life staff, and Title IX officials. Topics covered include due process, the Clery Act amendments to the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, Title IX, and state-specific compliance requirements. Participants will examine a case study of sexual misconduct and learn best practices for addressing each stage of the disciplinary process.

Presenters:  Ryan Ribeiro, Kerianne Silver, Andrew Stammel, J.D., Rebecca Novick


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Training Certificates

Title IX Certificate (2020 Final Rule)

Learners who follow the Title IX Certificate path will complete all topics required for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, and Decisionmakers under the 2020 Title IX Final Rules, and all topics required for officials who may be involved in receiving, investigating or adjudicating a case of sexual or interpersonal violence annually by guidance under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act. 

This path is best for any learner who has specific Title IX duties, such as serving as a Title IX Investigator, Decisionmaker, or Coordinator. Courses for the Title IX Certificate include:

  • No Contact Orders, Emergency Removals, and Interim Suspensions
  • Collecting and Understanding Specialized Evidence
  • Legal Framework for Understanding Conflicts of Interest and Bias
  • Understanding the Investigative Report Template for Investigations of Title IX Sexual Harassment
  • Effective Interviewing of Parties and Witnesses
  • Cultural Relevance and Inclusiveness, and Responding to Sexual and Interpersonal Violence on Campus
  • Title IX Final Rule Basics
  • What Is Affirmative Consent?
  • Privacy, Confidentiality & Privilege in Disclosures of Sexual and Interpersonal Violence
  •  What is Severe, Persistent, and Objectively Offensive Title IX Sexual Harassment?
  • Determining Relevance in Title IX Hearings: Part One
  • Cross-Examination in a Title IX Hearing
  • Relevance and Decorum in a Title IX Hearing
  • Due Process Part One: Theory and History
  • Disability Law in Student Conduct Proceedings
  • Technology Basics- Information Security, Confidentiality, and Decorum
  • Neurobiology of Sexual Assault Trauma – Part 1: Introduction

Decisionmaker & Investigators Basic Certificate

Learners who complete this certificate will review all topics required for Investigators, and Decisionmakers under the 2024 Rule, and any other topics required for officials who may be involved in receiving, investigating and/or adjudicating a grievance of sex-based harassment or discrimination, and is available annually to meet the needs of administrators at colleges and universities across the country. Title IX Coordinators will need to undergo the topics covered in this training to be fully compliant with the 2024 regulations.

This option is designed for any learner who has specific duties, such as those serving as investigators, decisionmakers, or coordinators. Topics include:

  • Affirmative consent
  • Collecting, understanding, and assessing credibility and evidence
  • No Contact Orders, emergency removals, and interim suspensions
  • Implementation and management of supportive measures
  • The appeals process
  • Understanding conflicts of interest, bias, and serving impartially
  • Cultural relevance and awareness
  • Severe, persistent, and objectively offensive sex-based harassment and discrimination
  • Relevance and decorum during adjudication
  • Due process theory, history, and practical application
  • Disability law
  • Technology basics in the Title IX context
  • Neurobiology of sexual assault trauma
  • Decision making and decision implementation
  • Conducting effective and equitable investigations
  • Confidentiality and privacy in the Title IX context
  • Informal resolution as an option for adjudication, including mediation, restorative justice and administrative resolution
  • Conducting live hearings and cross-examination
  • The relationships between FERPA, Title IX, VAWA, & Clery
  • Employees & Title IX
  • Title IX jurisdiction
  • The varied roles of the advisor

Modifying and/or Terminating Supportive Measures Certificate

Learners who complete this certificate will complete all topics for individuals responsible for the creation, modification, and/or termination of supportive measures during a grievance process under the 2024 Rule. This certificate is uniquely designed for individuals who may not serve as decision makers or investigators but will be involved in the management of resources and remedies through the duration of the grievance process.

Topics include:

  • Overview and definitions within Title IX
  • Implementation and management of supportive measures
  • Due process
  • Disability law in student conduct and Title IX
  • Conflicts of interest, bias, and serving impartially
  • Relevance
  • Evidence

Standard Compliance Certificate

Learners who follow the Standard Compliance certificate path will complete all topics included below. This option is best for any learner who may not have specific Title IX responsibilities. Those individuals should instead complete the compliance certificate applicable to their responsibilities.

Topics included in this certificate include:

  • No contact orders, emergency removals, and interim actions
  • Effective interviewing of parties and witnesses
  • Due process theory, history, and practical application
  • Disability law in student conduct proceedings
  • Cultural relevance and awareness
  • Evidence in the student conduct process
  • Pre-hearing preparation
  • Law and adjudication
  • Decision-writing basics for conduct proceedings
  • Appeals in student conduct proceedings
  • Technology basics
  • The varied roles of the advisor
  • Understanding conflicts of interest, bias, and serving impartially
  • Collecting, understanding, and assessing credibility and evidence
  • Conducting equitable and effective investigations
  • Decision making and decision implementation
  • Relevance and decorum during adjudication

Investigator Certificate: Single Investigator

There are specific requirements and specific skill sets related to conducting fair, equitable, and thorough sexual and interpersonal violence investigations. This certificate will guide participants through a Title IX investigation from complaint intake to completion of the investigative report. This training focuses on practical approaches to this work, providing best practice insight from a national expert who will provide learners with thoughtful considerations on approaching investigations. Areas of focus include the impact of exemplary investigative techniques in developing TIX Investigative reports and best practice in approaches to communication with all parties. Our TIX Investigator Training is narrowly tailored for campus personnel with direct and ancillary obligations to investigate and adjudicate sexual and interpersonal violence on college campuses. Under the 2024 Title IX regulations, institutions now have the option of using a non-hearing, investigator model to make determinations in sex-based harassment matters involving a student party.  This training is for those investigators who will now be making determinations of responsibility.  The training will cover how to weigh evidence, how to make factual findings and provide sufficient rationale for those findings, and how to apply policy language to facts in order to make determinations.

This certificate is awarded upon completion of the following certificates and training:

    • Decision-maker and Investigator Certificate (2024 Final Rule)
    • Title IX Investigations (2024 Rule)
    • Single Investigator Analysis and Determinations

Investigator Certificate: Hearing Panel

There are specific requirements and specific skill sets related to conducting fair, equitable, and thorough sexual and interpersonal violence investigations. This certificate will guide participants through a Title IX investigation from complaint intake to completion of the investigative report. This training focuses on practical approaches to this work, providing best practice insight from a national expert who will provide learners with thoughtful considerations on approaching investigations. Areas of focus include the impact of exemplary investigative techniques in developing TIX Investigative reports and best practice in approaches to communication with all parties. Our TIX Investigator Training is narrowly tailored for campus personnel with direct and ancillary obligations to investigate and adjudicate sexual and interpersonal violence on college campuses. Participants will practice the skills of comprehensive interviewing, summarizing relevant information from interviews, and handling party responses to evidence review.

This certificate is awarded upon completion of the following certificates and training:

    • Decision-maker and Investigator basics complete
    • Title IX Investigations (2024 Rule)
    • Advanced Workshop in Title IX Investigations
For more information, contact:
Student Conduct Institute The State University of New York
H. Carl McCall SUNY Building
Albany , NY 12246
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