

The SUNY Student Conduct Institute trains staff and faculty at public and private institutions of higher education, law firms, and consultancies on how to fairly and equitably investigate and adjudicate conduct violations and disclosures. SCI members access real time and asynchronous digital trainings, a comprehensive casebook, and model policies and resources. Training is tracked by individual and institution to make compliance and education more efficient and accessible. Training topics include due process, trauma-informed investigations and adjudications, questioning and weighing of evidence, and other crucial best practices in the investigation and conduct process that comply with case law, Title IX, the Clery Act, and other relevant federal and state laws.

Our program makes it easy to train every covered person on your campus for one reasonable annual fee. All participants can access trainings covering the essentials of compliance and best practices in the field. Staff can be retrained annually through either synchronous or asynchronous digital training programs offering basic, intermediate, and advanced content. Unlike other training platforms, our single fee covers participation for all eligible employees and students, including Title IX Coordinators, University Police and Public Safety officials, Conduct officials, Residence Life staff, Human Resources staff, investigative and adjudicative staff, Hearing Board Members and Panelists (including student panelists), and other similarly-situated and tasked employees.

In addition, the Institute provides a tracking platform that allows member institutions to easily pull training credentials for each participant, making compliance reporting a more efficient task. SCI has posted a commitment to accessibility of content, and the single fee structure allows institutions of all sizes and types to access key training equitably. We are excited to support institutions of higher education across the nation in this way.

The Institute, which is open to any public or private institution of higher education, or law firm or consultancy representing colleges and universities, formed as a joint Project of the SUNY Student Conduct Association (SUNYSCA), SUNY Title IX Coordinators Association (STIXCA), and SUNY Office of General Counsel.

Disclaimer:  SCI does not certify any institution as compliant, and disclaims any liability for any perceived or actual shortcomings in the text of the training or an institution’s utilization of the information presented in such training. Per the Department of Education’s (ED) 2015 and 2020 letters and posts, no training offered by anyone is officially certified by ED and any organization that makes such a claim is making a false claim. The SCI does certify individuals’ completion of the SCI program, which national experts and reviewers believe meets and exceeds training requirements. SCI does not claim to have the approval of ED as ED does not offer such an approval.

While the SCI does not certify any institution, institutions that are active members of the SCI are free to make statements of their membership on their websites (Ex: "[Institution] is a SUNY Student Conduct Institute Participating Institution. As a Participating Institution, our staff has access to regular training on how to fairly and equitably investigate and adjudicate conduct violations and disclosures.”) and may post participation in the Annual Security Report section describing annual training as required by the Clery Act.

Student Conduct Institute
SUNYSCI floating logo

For More Information, contact:
Student Conduct Institute
The State University of New York
H. Carl McCall SUNY Building
Albany , NY 12246
phone number icon518.445.4006
email at symbol iconstudentconductinstitute@suny.edu