General Tips for Students

General Tips for Military and Veteran Students

There are representatives at each SUNY campus who can guide military and veteran students through the enrollment and registration processes. These same representatives can also put you in touch with other campus and community resources, if needed. The tips below are a good assistance resource for our military and veteran students.

Preparing to Apply to a SUNY Campus

  1. Determine which federal VA educational benefit you qualify for.
  2. Apply Early for benefits! It can take many weeks for VA Benefits to be processed.  If you have any questions while applying contact your VA or campus advisor for assistance.  Active duty students may also utilize the base or post education offices for general assistance.
  3. Compare the monetary assistance provided by each benefit.
  4. Gather the information and paperwork required for your benefit to include discharge or separation paperwork and OFFICIAL copies of any previous college or military transcripts.
  5. Veteran Students are encouraged to apply for federal financial aid in addition to the GI Bill. The free application (FAFSA) can be submitted online using your school’s code.  Please click the link for more information.

Applying for Admission

Please visit the SUNY Student Enrollment page for information on how to apply, for information on additional federal aid you and much more.

After Acceptance to a SUNY Campus

  1. Review orientation information and any Pre-orientation-checklist.
  2. Activate any campus email account.
  3. Ensure that you have health insurance; the Post 9/11 GI Bill may cover costs.
  4. Review Housing Options on-campus and off-campus.
  5. Connect with other veteran students at your campus and in your community. If your campus has a Student Military/Veteran Center or Representative, contact that office to receive information on activities and support--the campus website should have contact information.

Explore Career Options Early

  1. Please be aware that your academic career may last longer than your VA benefits. Whether you are already a veteran or separating from the military in the near future, examine your career options early to get the most from your education.
  2. Utilize websites like eBenefits and My Next Move.orgto help you make decisions on career paths and translating your military skills to civilian skills.   For more information please visit their websites.
  3. Contact your campus' Career Services/Development office. They may also be able to assist with career exploration, writing resumes, and post-grad options.
University Life